Monday, June 23, 2008

Jaina walking & fun at Grandma & Grandpa's

Well, she started taking off more now. She's been getting up in the middle of the floor and walking for the past month or so, but it's becoming more regular now. Here are a few new pics of her in action...

Here are some pics of the kids having fun at Grandma & Grandpa's house when we went to hang out with them:

Jaina kept trying to climb out of the floaty:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jaina's first bite of...

...a maple bar!

Coming back for more...
"Mmmm...this is GOOD!"

"Maybe Daddy will give me *one* last bite??"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Little Miss!

I can't believe it has been a FULL year since you were born! The time sure flew right by. You are such a sweet, happy, full of energy little girl. You absolutely LOVE your big brother, Jacen. You light up when he walks into the room. And you are quite the Daddy's girl. When he gets home from work, you crawl over to him and ask him to pick you up! I know it melts his heart.

Here are her "elephant" pictures over the past year...

One week...

One month...

Two months...

Three months...

Four months...

Five months...

Six months...

Seven months...

Eight months...

Nine months...

Ten months...

Eleven months...

Twelve months...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jaina's 1st Birthday Party...

We had a GREAT time for Jaina's first birthday party. Grandma & Grandpa, Uncle Allan and Nana & Papa came over. We celebrated today eventhough her birthday isn't until the 11th. Her theme was "cupcakes", so I made cupcakes for everyone, a bigger cupcake for Jaina's smash cake and a cupcake-cake for everyone to share. Here are some pics...

How old are you now, Jaina?